Saizen Global Insights & Consulting conducted survey among 600 doctors(Cardiologists and General Physicians) across metro. Survey findings received media attention and clients got decent coverage across national and regional print and online media. The survey called ‘Visualizing the Extent of heart Disease in Indian women’ (VEDNA) by Heal Foundation.
- There is 20% growth in cardiovascular diseases among women in the last five years.
- About 41% of doctors claimed an alarming 10-15% growth in cardiovascular diseases among women in the age group of 20-40 years – the category which was earlier considered protected from heart ailments.
- Changing life style to be blamed for increment. Risk factors like stress, smoking and drinking have increased considerably, co-morbid conditions like obesity, hypertension and diabetes have also gone up
- The survey revealed that 83% of the doctors believed that Indian women are ignorant about heart diseases. While 76% of doctors observed that women die of heart diseases as they do not seek medical aid in time, 66% death occur due to late diagnosis.
Read more at:
Time of India – Eves Heart at Risk Too
DNA-Lifestyle eroding women’s resilience to heart disease
DNA-Young Women no More Safe from Heart Diseases
Deccan Chronicle- Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Indian Women